Once upon a rose …

Peace must be one of the most grounding roses I know. In some of my toughest moments Peace has centered me.

Golden Hour Moments in the South African Bushveld

Before dawn in the bushveld My game drive of choice is always the early morning one. Yes, it’s a ruthless wake up call to be at the vehicle by 04:15; and it can be very cold. But then, there is always the promise of the golden hour as the sun rises over the African Bush….

A Month of Mindfulness

It takes effort to be present Every day of my birthday month, September, I photographed something beautiful around me that made me feel happy and for which I’m grateful. I only used my iPhone 11 camera and didn’t use any filters. It was an exercise in consciousness and discipline. Making sure that I posted something…

Life-lessons from a rose

A rose’s story This is the last surviving rose bush in my small garden. About seven years ago, she was destined to be discarded. But the gardener, unbeknown to me found a place for her in a secluded overgrown section of a garden bed. Here, unnoticed, she took time out to recover and started to…

On being ahead of the Grey Curve: 10 years and still celebrating

A ‘Dye Hard’ choice It’s a tough choice to make to stop colouring your hair. Especially when you’ve been doing it for decades. It’s the bungee-jump of vanity. It means a changed ‘identity’ or rather,  a change in how others will see and recognise you. The payoff is, that for once, you will see your…

The Kruger is Pink

Move over Safari Khaki So often we visualise the African bush experience of the Kruger National Park in the wildlife safari colours of Africa’s Big Five. Well, that may be true to some extent. But after our last visit to the Kruger National Park, I decided to look for and experience different aspects of being…

My take on those ‘Before’ photos

Society’s morbid fascination with ‘before’ Society can often have a morbid fascination with whatever physical acceptability or perfection is perceived to be.  We hear of body-shaming stories all the time. These can be directed at us from others, or even worse, at us from ourselves … It’s not what you say to everyone else that…

Tribute to Don Liebenberg

This post shares the tribute read by me at our Dad’s funeral on 11 December. Links to the Order of Service as well as a Photo Tribute Video are at the end of the post. On behalf of our family, thank you to everyone here today who came to join us in celebrating the life…

The Rose and the Robin

Listen to the song of your heart In this crazy world of all things digital, I returned home from a torrid time at the brick and mortar bank. Yes, in order to sort out my online issues, I had to eventually go into the branch. This was back in 2019. I will not dwell on…

The journey to healthy weight loss starts with ‘Why’

When ‘What’ comes before ‘Why’ How many times when weight loss crops up in a conversation, is the first question often asked, “So what are you allowed to eat?” After which we start listing the items that ‘The Diet’ prescribes we should eat – as well as when, and how much … This drives me…